my approach is my authentic self

'tackling an ineffective workflow is often treating the symptom instead of the root cause of stress; which often lies within
ourselves, our behavior and OUR limiting beliefs.'
My offer
Everybody experiences stress. If managed well, it can even benefit the quality of our life.
But when out of balance (i.e. chaotic or perfectionistic tendencies), stress often becomes a chronic
default survival mode which will eventually be very destructive for our health, pleasure and
performance. And the longer we stay in this mode, the more it becomes our 'normal' and the
more difficult to get out.
Physical and emotional symptoms occur. However not having the capacity to truly see the root
cause, we end up treating only the symptoms and done by someone else (i.e. physio for back pain).
A great way for short relief, however the real problem is not being resolved; stress will continue to
rule and so will new symptoms. Which is why Carve Management Support does things differently;
Looking at the root cause/stressors of people's struggles (i.a. increased work, more demands,
lack of time/freedom, health issues) and improving that first, instead of treating the symptoms.​
Giving people ownership; showing them how to learn to tap into the possibilities within them
towards understanding, creating and maintaining a healthier (work)life balance that fits them.
Carve Management support guides entrepreneurs/freelancers towards real, long term and sustainable results in work/life management.
This means that we often have to work on mindset first, before we can go to the area of practical solutions and methods in this.
Working with me is for those who are ready to open their mind and truly want to invest in creating a better reality for themselves;
being able to realize and maintain a healthier/pleasurable environment and letting business/life work for them instead of the other way around. Realizing that when we put our wellbeing first, our effort, quality and results will be a direct reflection of this.​
Are you ready to enter the world of possibilities? See the opportunities below.
For those who already have a clear idea on what has to be optimized or want a quick solution for something specific, I offer practical assistance. With creative solutions for system/process optimalization, I help you applying efficiency in your workflow towards more freedom of time.
This can be more structure, automatization programs or outsourcing certain tasks that cost time, pleasure and energy.
There are so many possibilities and I help saving time to see them all and apply them towards an ideal work balance.
But there is a however. I personally do believe that in some cases we won’t experience a full sense of ownership in freedom, health and pleasure,
if we let someone else do the optimization and only apply this through a simple solution in one area. Because tackling an ineffective workflow is often treating the symptom instead of the root cause that often lies within ourselves, our behavior and limiting beliefs.
Therefore I mainly and preferably work through consultancy/mentorship in which I give you authority in optimizing the balance of your (work)life.
You will personally develop the right skills/habits towards long-term improvement in work/time management; not making you dependent on my services (my goal!) and ultimately positively affecting every area in your life.
By having me as your consultant/mentor, you will go a step further then a superficial solution. No ‘quick fix’ because we will be aiming at the long term (sustainable results), creating a better core and more resistance from which great potential towards a balance (work)life can grow. By having me as your mentor and letting you do the work, you do not make yourself dependent on specific services and develop the right skills of your own.
This can be only about workflow optimization but if you want to take it a step further, your mindset as well. Apart from external factors, we often experience (work)life a certain way because of beliefs and behaviors that are deeply anchored within ourselves and of which we are often not conscious. Stress or an unhealthy work balance is not only what life serves you, it is equally the role you play in it. So if you want to improve your experiences, it is crucial to first become conscious of your patterns and shift them where necessary before you look at the external.
Are you willing to take responsibility in your destiny? Then I am more than happy to support you in this. Having a mentor will facilitate and accelerate your growth tremendously, and increase the probability of success. You have to do the work, however you won’t be alone in this and my experience can certainly provide you with some great tools.

Practical Solutions vs. Mindset Work
Whether you want to want my guidance for practical solutions or decide to look at yourself first and integrate some mindset work is your choice. I however will encourage you to combine both as I believe in a holistic approach in which everything is connected;
if we want deep long term results, we have to look at every
aspect involved in the game.
And this starts with the root of it all, which is ultimately ourself.
We won’t be analyzing problems for an overly long time, but look practically at what is hindering your road to effectiveness and a positive experience of your (work)life. Have you for example ever realized that there is a huge difference between not having time and not experiencing time. Some people have it but don’t experience it or the other way around. You are a big part of your experience!
So I’d like to start from there. By integrating some mindset work,
we create a solid basis for the adaption of practical solutions becoming a success; work management, time management, workflow optimalization, system optimalization, process optimalization etc. You name it!
So with the diversity of experience you will not only move forward to a new way of working, but also a new way of seeing your work.

See me as a professional sounding board, supporting, inspiring and challenging you. I go further then superficial mentoring and are truly involved in your personal and professional growth by approaching things the holistic way; in which all aspects of life are part of a complex union all related (wellbeing, our relations, work etc.)
I do this with a unique set of skills and experience which involve both a conventional approaches from my background in (project) management and disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience and techniques for physical and emotional wellbeing from my background in Yoga, Meditation, Breathing, Social Work and Lifestyle Medicine. You will receive:
1-hour online one-on-one calls with the frequency you desire (and a coffee when I am nearby!)
An online platform to support your work and growth
Practical handouts for in-depth personal work to do on your own (saving time during calls)
Email access for continuous guidance along the way
An accountability partner that keeps checking in with you between sessions
Well-elaborated notes that I provide you with after each session
You will finally create the clarity you wished for. Being able to see and create your own opportunities for an efficient and optimal work environment; reaching your full potential while maintaining pleasure and good health. Back to where you initially started your business for; the energy you felt back then I will guide you back to.
'Stress or an unhealthy work balance is not only what life puts on you,
it is equally the role you play in it'

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